Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mysterious Mengalum Anchor

The Mysterious Mengalum Anchor

The mysterious Mengalum Anchor is located in Mengalum Island about four hours boat ride from Kota Kinabalu is a mystery, that is no one knows how and when it came to be lying on the island. It appears that its earliest recorded existance was by Captain Edward Belcher in H.M.S. Saracen's log in 1854. The wrought iron anchor is however believed to be a Richard Pering improved anchor or Admiralty (British) anchor, manufactured from ca. 1819 to 1845. Local reports of the anchor, as early as 1931 described it as a "keramat"; it is venerated by fisherfolk who assumed its supernatural powers and which cannot be removed from the island. Therefore, it is not unsual to see offering of rice, tobacco, eggs and other foods placed on the anchor.